Welcome to Wellspring Health

Are you living your best life?

I specialize in the art and science of thriving. Through the coaching process, your strengths, wisdom, and experience are combined with behavioral health, positive psychology, and best-in-class coaching practices to help you create sustainable habits and practices that elevate and infuse your life with abundance and vitality.

I’m Wendy McLaughlin - the owner of Wellspring Health – a transformative coaching practice. I have hundreds of satisfied clients and more than 10,000 hours of client coaching.

I have worked in the health and wellness industry for over 30 years and specialize in behavior change. I’ve had the pleasure of coaching hundreds of individuals through their personal wellness journeys using this transformational process.  I have seen firsthand the power of an individual’s inspiration ignited through good coaching. Leveraging deep inspiration drives intentional design and action - which impacts the trajectory of one’s health, well-being, and quality of life.


  • “Hey Wendy, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done, everything you’ve talked to me about, and everything that you have taught me. I’ve learned so much over the past 6 months and I have achieved so much. I will continue to do what I have been doing to live a better and healthier lifestyle. I never thought a weekly and biweekly conversation [with] a health coach would make much of a difference in the beginning, but I thought I would just give it a try because I was running out of options. You kept me motivated and you kept me going. Thank you again, best wishes.” — Felicia

  • “Thank you Wendy! Your coaching and encouragement was a tremendous help along the way. I forgot to mention that I have had such a drastic weight loss (about 54 lbs. total so far) that I have received NUMEROUS compliments from family, friends and acquaintances, and even personnel at my eye doctor’s office. I have witnessed jaw dropping, double takes and increased staring lol. It is nothing like I have ever experienced in my entire life. I was sharing with my husband the other day that I am so happy with myself at this time in my life. Compliments from others [are] certainly encouraging but I am so proud of me for making PERMANENT lifestyle changes and persevering through the setbacks, plateaus, etc. I not actually BELIEVE that I have what it takes to accomplish any goal I set for myself and that the journey does not have to be a perfect one. It starts with a positive mindset and continues with determination and with work, work and more hard work. Again, thank you for coaching and encouraging me” — Melody

  • “Thank you!!! You’ve help me put so much into perspective and helped me to feel better!” — Brittany

  • “I really appreciate your kind words and your interaction with me. It gives me great satisfaction to know I have your support and guidance. It really helped me emotionally, I enjoyed our chats. Thank you for your encourage(ment) and support.” — Karen

  • “Thank you so much for all your assistance – it’s definitely pushed me in the right direction and my Dr. thank you lol. Thank you again for all the help. I feel a lot better than I did when I first started!” — Justin

  • “Thanks for all your help Wendy... You have been wonderful & encouraging to communicate with. Best wishes!!!” — Melanie

  • “I was so excited that I had to share this with you – I happened to look at my weight tracker ….and see [as] of today, I have officially lost 15 pounds since this day last year. I was so encouraged and wanted to thank you for helping make that happen. Looking forward to what this year will bring.” — Lindsay

  • “Thank you very much! I really appreciate the help you’ve given to bring my overall wellbeing back to the forefront of my priorities.” — Steph

  • “Yes I’m doing much better. Maintaining around 6 hours of sleep currently, but my goal is 7 hours! I’ve been doing much better in keeping my stress levels low. Ever since I started the coaching program, it’s been significantly improved. Something as simple as stopping, taking a breath, and processing my stressors (acknowledging them) has made more of an impact than I could have imaged in handling my stress levels. Thanks for all you do!” — Amanda

  • “Thank you for everything Wendy. It has been wonderful working with you.” — Gayle

  • “As far as my goals, I did well for the most part. I would rate myself with A's all across the board. Thank you for being a great coach and holding me accountable.” — Sheryl

  • “I am happy I did this program. I did make some big changes and I feel it will help me to improve more. You were a great help and I appreciate your time.” — Ajanii

  • “I think this entire experience has been very beneficial for me - a chance to reflect on "being" like you said in your message. I continue to work on things, giving myself time to slow down and not always be in such a hurry to get things done right this minute! Thank you so much for all your help -- I feel like I am headed down the right path.” — Angie

  • “Thanks so much, Wendy! You were definitely a pleasure to work with! I’ve definitely turned things around and by my 30th birthday ….I should be exactly where I want to be! Thanks for all of your suggestions, patience, and understanding. It is all much appreciated.” — Rachel

My coaching process goes beyond individual coaching. Instead, I work to teach each client the coaching process. This process can than can be applied to any area of life where an individual would like to move from merely surviving - to thriving.

Coaching is both an art and a science. In helping clients access their best selves, I use tools that are evidence-based. These techniques include (but are not limited to) Motivational Interviewing, Stages of Change, and Positive Psychology. Through this process, I help clients identify and leverage all that is right and abundant within, identify and harness intrinsic motivation, and create steps that align with their readiness to change.

On a personal note…

I live in Georgia with my husband of 24 years and our daughter – a joyful and inquisitive fourth grader.

I love running, being in nature, dabbling in interior design, trying new restaurants, and traveling internationally. In addition to my coaching business, I volunteer with the Atlanta Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers - as well as- coordinate mission projects for my local church.

Professional Bio/Credentials

Wendy McLaughlin is a Wellcoach and ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach- and National Board- Certified Health & Wellness Coach. She’s spent the past three decades working in the field of health and wellness – and the past sixteen years as a coach for an international HR company focusing on total wellbeing. Her primary coaching modalities include online, telephonic, and virtual via Zoom – with training in group coaching techniques.

The past three years have been spent working for the Kresser Institute teaching, mentoring and evaluating coaching students. Additionally, she does private mentor coaching, teaches supervisory sessions, National Board-approved continuing education classes, and a Board-prep course.

Before becoming a coach, Wendy worked for the States of Alaska, Illinois, and Florida in maternal and child health, community development, health research, and health education. Additionally, she worked as a Maternal & Child Survival Health Educator in the Peace Corps/Dominican Republic training rural health promoters.

She has a Master of Science degree in Health Education and is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES).  Additionally, she has certificates from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (Lifestyle Medicine for Coaches) and the National Diabetes Prevention Program: Lifestyle Coach Training (Rollins/Emory).

Mentor Coaching Feedback

…I recently passed my NBHWC exam! I wanted to thank you for all your support during my time as a student…Your exploratory teaching style along with your genuine willingness to answer my questions (sometimes even when class was over!) was a good fit for me. I learned how to be a coach from your demos as well as your patient, kind guidance of students…Your genuine, positive feedback and encouragement helped me improve my coaching skills and build my confidence during the training program and beyond. Thank you!

- Margarita

More Mentor Coaching Feedback

  • I appreciated so much about our work together.  It was so obvious that you were there to help me reach my goal of passing the PSA and become an overall stronger coach.  I appreciated your kind demeanor and your ability to help me sort out the areas of my coaching to improve.  I also greatly appreciated your flexibility.  It was so helpful when you agreed to take a look at two of my sessions and then guided me in figuring out which was a stronger submission.  When we met to review my earlier sessions you were clear about what the shortcomings were and gave me ideas on how to improve weaker competencies. Your sharing other resources to improve my coaching and giving me specific examples of ways to improve in a particular area was valuable to me. Your dedication to the Kresser students, your perspective, integrity and deep knowledge of the 17 competencies and scoring rubric is obvious and I feel any coaching student looking to prepare for the PSA or to have a session reviewed prior to submission as a PSA would greatly benefit from your expertise. — Amanda

  • Working with Wendy made me feel like I was in extremely competent and kind hands. She has the experience and insight to help others become more effective and thoughtful coaches. Wendy provides helpful and honest feedback designed to support the coach’s learning and development. During one of my mentor coaching sessions with Wendy, I shared a difficult situation and ended up expressing some very deep emotions (i.e. I did a lot of crying!); and because of her empathetic nature and experienced coaching skills, I felt safe and cared for. Wendy’s coaching style, ability and professionalism help her clients build their own coaching skills and grow personally. -Amy

  • Thank you for the past year of wisdom you have shared with us. There were so many Saturdays you stayed late to talk to me about questions I had or topics I wanted to discuss. Your love of and dedication to coaching came through in every class! Thanks for the past year of coaching and teaching. I feel very prepared to coach because of your instruction. — Austin

  • As I was putting some time into your suggested questions, one thought kept moving to the front of the line…that is, that in our two sessions together you made me feel like your peer. Even though I was seeking your advice and knowledge as the ‘expert’, our sessions were friendly, casual and informative. A strength you displayed in our sessions was the balance between the positive and opportunities for growth feedback. While this is indeed what I paid for, to do it with clear, professionally delivered kind, honest words is an art and skill. I came away with valuable tips – my favorite is to ‘juice the good feelings more’. I understand now that those good feelings create a chemical reaction in our brains which enhance cognition and creative problem solving. I didn’t realize how valuable this is, not just in coaching sessions, but in life! — Viviane

  • Wendy is professional & knowledgeable in her craft. She's kindness, compassion and heart down to her soul. Working with her came at a time when I needed support & understanding more than ever and I received that and more. Without judgement and with sincerity, she can artfully guide a conversation to empowerment and action. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her. Thank you, Wendy. -Caitlin

  • I always appreciated that you let me decide how I wanted to receive feedback. Then the feedback itself was always thoughtful and honest, with great suggestions when needed.

    It is clear you are experienced and knowledgeable in regards to health coaching skills and processes. Your patience, warmth, active listening, and pauses allowed for space on my end as I was processing everything. You also helped me frame some questions differently, with very specific suggestions. I learned a lot in MC sessions, my PSD1 and in my PSA prep with you.

    I would tell someone else that you are great at coaching coaches on how to actually coach well. Not all coaches can teach coaching well. I would also tell them that you are fair and thoughtful, but also honest. They need to know that you will be tough on them when needed.

    — Jeanna

  • Wendy provides feedback in the most compassionate and clear demeanor. She supports and celebrates the students successes. Thank you Wendy! -Health Coach Training Program student

  • Wendy was a conscientious, calm, compassionate and thoughtful facilitator. She gave each of us her full attention and offered us on-point feedback that we could use immediately to enhance our coaching skills. We were lucky to have Wendy. I only wish we could have worked together longer… - Health Coach Training Program student

  • Wendy, Thank you so much for your compassion and understanding throughout the seven sessions. I appreciated that you cared greatly for each of us. Your insights and feedback were very helpful and at the same time so supportive. It was great working with you for those weeks. Thank You. - Health Coach Training Program student

  • It was an excellent course. Wendy was great as a teacher and a support person. - Health Coach Training Program student

  • Wendy, Thank you so much for your compassion and understanding throughout the seven sessions. I appreciated that you cared greatly for each of us. Your insights and feedback were very helpful and at the same time so supportive. It was great working with you for those weeks. Thank You. - Health Coach Training Program student

  • Wendy is amazing and so professional. I feel honored to have had her be my primary Mentor Coach. - Health Coach Training Program student

  • Because of the time difference, I had most of my sessions with Wendy. I am blessed that this is happened as she is a great teacher. - Health Coach Training Program student.

Let’s meet up and talk about what you want to create for yourself. I’ll share specifics about the coaching process, answer your questions, and we can discover if a coaching partnership is the best fit. I offer a free no-obligation 30-minute consultation.

Let’s Connect